Business Experts.
In aviation.
Our Advantages
True aviation experts
We are specialists with proven track record in asset management in aviation, including acquiring, owning, operating, maintaining and re-selling aircraft.
We offer a turnkey
management consulting solution
Our partners have significant operational experience in leading aviation businesses including aircraft operators, FBO chains, MROs, aircraft brokerage businesses and charter operators.
Our advice is pragmatic, realistic,
and feasible
Our expertise includes strategic planning, management, marketing andsales, finance and M&A. We can support our clients across the entire business.
Our Values
We work for our clients and only for our clients, following high business ethic and putting put the clients’ interest first.
We pride ourselves in telling our clients the truth as we see it, even if this is sometimes difficult..
Our recommendations are pragmatic and practical – they can be implemented realistically.
We will never compromise our clients’ confidentiality.
Our Aviation Professionals